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Preventative Cardiology

What is Preventative Cardiology?


Preventative cardiology at RHS approaches heart health with primarily non-pharmacological treatments for cardiovascular disease. These include major lifestyle modifications, essentially focusing on managing risk factors without medication. Nutrition and exercise function together to cure most cardiovascular issues (metabolic syndrome, hypertension, and diabetes).


Diet changes: Reduction in Systemic Inflammation

  • “Food is medicine” approach

  • Restricting most polyunsaturated (seed oils) and trans fats and processed inflammatory foods

  • Radical carbohydrate and sugar restriction

  • Increasing intake of cruciferous vegetables 

  • Increasing omega-3 fatty acids (fish)

Physical activity:

  • Aerobic exercise like brisk walking, swimming, or cycling 

  • Strength training exercises 

Weight management:

  • Weight loss can significantly reduce cardiovascular risk 

Smoking cessation:

  • Completely quitting smoking is crucial for cardiovascular health 

Alcohol moderation:

  • Limiting alcohol intake to recommended guidelines 

Blood pressure control:

  • Regularly checking blood pressure at home to monitor its control 

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